Plants For Sale

Here are the plants that I have available for sale at the moment. As well as serving the Malaysian market, I ship worldwide; whilst international shipping can take up to around 10 days depending on your location and the exact timing, most plants will survive such a transit period. Payment can be made via PayPal or online bank transfer; after verification thereof, the order will be dispatched and a tracking code issued.  Please email me at with your requirements, or call/sms to my number +6019-5506710 with any questions or concerns. 

Marselia Hirsuta (RM12.00)

Anubias Barteri XL (RM18.00)

Anubias nana (RM15.00)

Bolbitis heudoloti (RM24.00)

Microsorum pteropus-Java Fern (RM14.00)

Pellia moss (RM10.00)

Subwassertang moss (RM12.00)

Fessiden moss (RM12.00)

Java Moss (RM10.00)

Microsorum pteropus (mini) (RM10.00)

Crytocoryne Affinis (RM10.00)